Who Am I?

I'm a software developer producing top-quality mobile and web apps. I also love music, cooking, and studying philosophy.


What Am I Up To Right Now?

I'm currently building beautiful and effective cross-platform apps as a software engineer at Very Good Ventures.

Peter Simpson
Flutter drum machine screenshot
Screenshot of the Flutter TR-404 Drum Machine Web App.
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I made a web app simulating an old-school drum machine using Flutter Web.
The app utilizes advanced state management techniques to sequence user-created drum patterns, and allows the user to choose between several different kits.
Latin Square Visualization
Visualization of a Latin square generated by my program from a set of hex codes.
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This is a templated, efficient, implementation of a custom-sizeable Latin square solver that I created in C++.
The Latin square has applications to cryptography, statistics, and telecommunications, but I just made this for fun. I implemented the solver as a backtracking algorithim for increased efficiency in comparison to an all-combinations solution.
Speaker at Byteconf Flutter 2020
Recording of my talk from the Byteconf livestream.
I was invited to speak to over 1,000 attendees at Byteconf Flutter 2020 about my experience as a student developer with Flutter, and why I think Flutter is a great tool for fellow interdisciplinary developers.
Snek 2D Screencap Snek 2D Screencap
Screenshots from Snek 2D.
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Find Snek 2D on the App Store

This is a riff on the classic Snake game that I made for iOS and Android with Dart using the Flutter framework. Check out groovy and turbo mode in the Settings menu for a new experience!
production screencap
Result Page Screenshot.
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This is a satirical single-serving website I made using Flutter Web. It generates a stylized generic "flashy" app name and allows the user to send a pre-composed tweet about it. Utilizes browser- and device-specific code to ensure the website displays correctly on as many platforms as possible.
"Reinforcing a Modal Account of Luck"
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This is an academic philosophy paper presenting my original work on parsing concepts of "luck," building on the work of Duncan Pritchard and the critiques which he spawned.
"Infant Media Exposure"
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This award-winning paper presents my primary results from two years spent conducting original research at New York University's Neuroscience and Education Lab.

This paper shed light on serious inaccuracies in the widely-used LENA research tool, and presented my findings relating to the relationship between media exposure and sleep in infants.